Monday, September 6, 2010

Imprisioned By Love

The ultimate confinement is one of your one making, a prison built by the only person who can make it truly inescapable. The walls are made of our reasons for leaving, but the doors are made of our reasons for staying. We are surrounded by misery, the walls are painted with pain and regret. The exit doors are the only light within our own personal hell, as they are painted with the moments that bring us joy. In this way when ever we think about leaving the world we created we force ourselves to see only the joy, only the reasons for staying. We focus so much on those joyous moments we fail to realize the painful eternities sneaking up behind us. You tell yourself that while he does hit you, you love him to much to leave. Love was once used a tool of liberation, it was the key to unlock the prison in which you dwelt. Some where along the way we turned the key into the lock, the liberator into the dictator. Once we believed love could heal the wounds of neglect and hate, now we find the love is the crutch we use to bare the weight of abandonment and the force of hatred. Why do we look at our world or pain and try to fit it into the mask of love? We run into facades at every street corner but no facade does as much damage as the facade of hate disguised as love. A black eye is not a term of endearment, tears are not signs of affection, and a cold shoulder is not a place lay your head. It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. A simple saying one we can all agree with, we just never admit that we lost. We are so quick to look at each others messed up lives and give advice on how to get out, but when it comes to our own prisons we throw the key away. Once we believed in happily ever after some where along the way we settled for misery and regret. Once we believed in a prince on white horse, Some where along the way we settled for the horsemen of the apocalypse. Once we believed in freedom, some where along the way we traded freedom for dictatorships. Once we believed in a life, some where along the way we settled for death.

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